Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How bout these apples?

My first lesson was yesterday! Kari - who I found on Craigslist came over for my first lesson in still life. It is interesting to learn from someone else...I have found I am set in my ways on some things...but at any rate they ended up looking like apples. The good thing is that I was painting apples. My homework is to paint a few more still life paintings between now and he next time we get together.

Stay tuned for the next update. 1 month in to my year of getting serious about painting and making progress!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My 30th Year - Getting Serious about painting

It is day one of my 30th year. This year will be the year I get serious about painting. So this year making everyday exceptional will mostly revolve around painting. My goal is to take art classes from 3-4 different teachers this year and to create enough paintings for my own show. Not only do I want to have my own show but I also want to track what I am learning as I go along.

This is Day 1 and so far I have accomplished a lot. I found two teachers already. One is a drop in class that meets on Tuesday evenings. I am going to start that in September. She covers the traditional oil painting methods and creates pretty traditional pieces. The other is a girl that lives in the area and teaches private lessons. She showed me her paintings which were very detailed. One of a space ship, large elephant and flowers. I will start classes with her as soon as I can.

I am on the right track!