Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How bout these apples?

My first lesson was yesterday! Kari - who I found on Craigslist came over for my first lesson in still life. It is interesting to learn from someone else...I have found I am set in my ways on some things...but at any rate they ended up looking like apples. The good thing is that I was painting apples. My homework is to paint a few more still life paintings between now and he next time we get together.

Stay tuned for the next update. 1 month in to my year of getting serious about painting and making progress!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My 30th Year - Getting Serious about painting

It is day one of my 30th year. This year will be the year I get serious about painting. So this year making everyday exceptional will mostly revolve around painting. My goal is to take art classes from 3-4 different teachers this year and to create enough paintings for my own show. Not only do I want to have my own show but I also want to track what I am learning as I go along.

This is Day 1 and so far I have accomplished a lot. I found two teachers already. One is a drop in class that meets on Tuesday evenings. I am going to start that in September. She covers the traditional oil painting methods and creates pretty traditional pieces. The other is a girl that lives in the area and teaches private lessons. She showed me her paintings which were very detailed. One of a space ship, large elephant and flowers. I will start classes with her as soon as I can.

I am on the right track!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Plein Air Painting in Tuscany

Plein Air painting is to paint outdoors. Using simple materials and only 4 colors, a group of women from the United States created art while visiting Tuscany. Jean Cauthen led the class and helped to give an incredible experience in painting abroad.

Plein Air painting is relaxing and exciting all at the same time. It is relaxing to be outside with nature and to immerse yourself in a painting. You think of nothing else and for one to two hours you only have the task at hand. It is exciting when when the colors speak to you and when you can back away and know you have it right.

Below are some of the pieces I created while on my trip and a few that I finished after I returned.
Come see a sample of Plein Air art in Newton, NC at the GreenRoom. Work from all members in the class will be represented. The opening is Thursday, September 6th and the show will continue during the month of September.

Olive Trees, Number 2


House on the Hill


Contessa's Home


Doorway with Light


View from Dievole Vineyard


Carriage House


Fountain in Radda
